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6 months to healthier habits and loving your body

You want to look & feel AMAZING,  you want your significant other to forget their NAME when they see you in your lingerie, you want to strut your stuff in your bikini with a CONFIDENCE you never dreamed was possible.  But you're STUCK..  You've tried EVERYTHING & FAILED at everything.  Calorie counting, endless cardio, all the cleanses & all the detoxes, and nothing seems to stick.  You're stressed, overwhelmed and you have no idea how the HELL to lose this weight.  You're tired of being stuck in this endless diet cycle and are ready to break free.  You know WHAT to day "workout & eat healthy) but you need help implementing and knowing HOW to make it work for YOU.  

I created this unique coaching package because that's EXACTLY where I was when I was planning my wedding a few years ago .  I know what it's like to be constantly comparing yourself to every other girl in the room, hating the way all your clothes fit, and unable to just let go and have FUN, because you're too self conscious. 

I dreamed of my wedding day for my entire life, and I was NOT about to let my lack of self confidence ruin this romantic and magical time for me.  So, I got serious. 

I took my health & my life into my own hands and once and for all made a decision to figure it all out. It was NOT an easy transformation but  I came out of it a brand new woman!  Yes- I lost MORE weight than I even thought I wanted to.  YES- I was able to build my dream body.  But the REAL outcome was my CONFIDENCE.  It seriously felt as if I spent my entire life wrapped in CHAINS & I finally broke FREE!

THAT is what this program will give YOU! 

Not only will you love the way you look, but you'll learn how to keep that body without feeling like your on a diet- because you WON'T be on one.  Together we will create healthy habits that are actually FUN.  We'll design a healthy life that still allows you to go out with friends, drink that wine, or go out to dinner with your significant other.  

The Details: 

↠ Bi-Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls


↠ Unlimited Text & email support during business hours to get on the spot coaching, ask questions, etc


↠ 30 Effective workouts designed to be done at home with just a set or 2 of dumbbells.  Including video demo of each move


↠ Bi-Weekly training videos and worksheets to help you visualize your desires, and create never ending motivation to finally lose weight and KEEP IT OFF!

↠ Weekly Goal Tracking Sheets


↠Access to VIP facebook community for life!  


↠ BONUS: nutrition guide. You won’t find macros of calorie counting here babe! I’ll teach you my go to secrets to never diet again! And never have to give up wine 🍷 or chocolate 🍫 (or whatever your fav treat is!) 


↠BONUS: Recipe book. My favorite (hubby approved) meals that don’t require a million ingredients or a culinary degree. 

↠ BONUS: Free 1:1 strategy session with Alaina ($750 value)  to create your custom game plan and ensure you get started strong

Are you ready to finally become the Sexy Confident  Babe you KNOW is inside you!?  Use the link below to sign up now! 

6 month Payment Plan

10% pay in full discount

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